This Kagi Silver Imperial Pendant flaunts more than one hundred diamond simulants in an intricate Art Nouveau inspired filigree design. Inspired by the world renowned Faberge eggs. Its bold and...
Kagi's Rose Steel Me Petite Necklace is a slim version of the same style in a longer length, with a lobster clasp and 5cm extender chain. A classic belcher chain,...
Shine with this stunning statement bracelet! Kagi's STEEL ME BRACELET is made from our super metal, it is a piece that will be admired by all. You will never want...
You will make a statement wearing Kagi's STEEL ME BRACELET ! You will never want to be without this fantastic bracelet, team it with any of our charms for a...
Inspired by the treasures of Arabia this two tone pendant oozes of luxury! It can be paired with the matching ear charms and Kagi gold necklaces and bracelets. Size: 52x23 mm...
Kagi's NEW Baroque pearl range features natural freshwater baroque pearls combined with smooth rose gold spacer beads. Baroque pearls are a brand new, fresh take on our classic Kagi pearls.Every...
A classic belcher chain. Wear this necklace with your favourite tunic, or team it with one of our pendants for your unique look. You won't want to be seen without...
Kagi's ROSE HELIX PETITE NECKLACE - the Helix is now available in a petite size! This helix necklace is a true classic, who could resist? The collection also features a matching bracelet...
The petite version of the Kagi Helix Necklace. Also available from Kagi in sparkling silver & rose gold finishes. Metal: 11k gold-plated stainless steel Necklace length: 50cm - 55cm, includes an...
A classic belcher chain. Wear this necklace with your favourite tunic, and team it with our Gold Baroque pendant or another, for a unique look. You won't want to be...