Kagi's Imperial collection seeks inspiration from the world renowned intricate Faberge eggs. Each design features intricate Art Nouveau inspire filigree designs. Match this stunning Rose Gold Imperial ear charms with...
Kagi's ROSE GOLD STEEL ME NECKLACE is one of our most popular statement pieces! A classic belcher chain, embellished in 18k Rose Gold. This colour is flattering on all skin...
Kagi Head Designer's favourite pick! A beautiful, sparkling rose gold necklace featuring a pear-cut diamond simulant. This necklace is sure to give you that million dollar look! Necklace 50 cm in...
Bling up your style with Kagi's Rose Gold Luxe Huggies. Wear them alone or slip on your favourite Kagi Ear Charms for a more sophisticated look. Diameter: 16mm Materials: 14k...
Kagi Genuine ROSE FRESHWATER SEED PEARL STUDS, are naturally petite! An indispensable pair of earrings for any jewellery collection. Wear with a white shirt (or t-shirt) and add a pair...
Double the fun with Kagi's ROSE DOUBLE HUGGIES! These modern two-tone huggies - rose gold on one side, and silver on the other. This gives you two different looks! The...
Kagi Elyssian Ear Charms are an elegant filigree design, truly 'one of a kind' design! These ear charms look perfect when teamed with the Kagi Elyssian Pendant and rose gold...
This pendant from Kagi is contemporary design at it's finest, crafted in beautiful 18k Rose gold. A perfect rose gold hoop pendant, featuring a shell pearl beautifully suspended at it's base....
Truly, an enduring classic, the fob! This simple and stunning pendant in rose gold plate offers a classic look to all your Kagi necklaces. Length: 30mm, Width: 6mm Materials: 14k...
Simple & refined, Kagi's minimalist rose gold bubble studs can take you anywhere! These studs work with almost anything in your wardrobe, dressed up for work or with jeans for...